Friday 1 April 2016

  One trillion Kenyan shillings is given out each year according to the President,
 This amount of money is given to each county and if you divide this amount to what it's supposed to be used for, you will find that each county is supposed to  be so developed since Uhuru's government came in to power.
Nairobi county is one of the largest county in Kenya which is also the capital city. If we look at the environmental hygiene of Nairobi, it's very poor compared to other counties despite it being the capital city.
The money given to the county government should be used to collect garbage and keep the county clean. Walking in the streets of Nairobi we find a lot of garbage dumped carelessly, the roads are full of potholes, most of street lights do not work and the drainage system in Nairobi is also very poor. This shows how much corruption is great in Kenya.
President also talked about over a hundred cases of corruption pending in court. My question is, when are these corruption cartels going to be brought in to justice?,why are the cases pending for a long time yet judicial service commission is full of judges and magistrates?, why is it that other cases involving common mwananchi are heard so fast and the verdict given.
Kenyans know that nobody is above the law and these corrupt officials should not be in the office as we speak. As far as their cases are pending in court, no one should serve in the public office before their ruling have been given. I expected the President to call their names and ask them to step a side as cases involving them continue to be heard.
If all corrupt officials were brought to justice today, this would contribute so much to national development. If we look back to dignitaries who have visited our country in the past, the likes of President Obama and Pope Francis, they all mentioned corruption as the major inhibitor of Kenyan economic growth. It is very unfortunate that even after these global leaders paid a visit to our country and addressed corruption, no improvements have been made so far. Cases of corruption are pilling up everyday and no one has been prosecuted over corruption.
If an any M.P or a Cabinet Secretary has been prosecuted over corruption since Jubilee government took power, then I would say it has taken part in fighting corruption. Confiscating material possession for few members termed to be corrupt is not enough. Actions that Jubilee government should have taken in fight against corruption are firing members who are found to be corrupt, taking them to court and prosecuting them immediately once they are found guilty. This action would set an example to anyone who is planning a corruption activity to withdraw their plans and practice truthfulness and competence in serving the Nation.
People like Anne Waiguru who was grilled by ethics and anti corruption commission and found guilty of corruption should have been prosecuted together with all members mentioned in NYS fraud saga.
President did not talk much about the youth fund which have been embezzled and most youth left jobless yet there is money which can save them. Many young people are engaged in illegal activities such as drug abuse, burglary, terrorism among others. This is due to lack of funds which can help them in coming up with legal businesses which would help to sustain their life. These among others are consequences of corruption in our country.
Every Kenyan will celebrate when corruption will be strictly fought for and gotten rid off. It is possible to live in a corruption free zone like it is always written in most public offices but this will happen only if all corrupt members are out of the offices and rules set that whoever is found to be corrupt no matter their tribe, social status or race, will face full force of the law.

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