Sunday 17 April 2016

free market forum 2016

This forum takes place in Hillsdale College where scholars talk of the relationship of economic liberty to civil and religious liberty, the case of China
Dr. Charles wolf an economist talks Bring along and Take always where he describes Bring along as distinction between freedom from and liberty to do, which both apply in economic domain.
He talks of freedom from excess taxation which is liberty but restriction apply to civil and religious domain in china.
The 2nd bring alongs Dr Wolf talk of 3Ts and 1S which entails Taiwan, Tibet, Tiananmen and Student protest which they call umbrella movement. He says it is politically incorrect in China to discuss the umbrella movement in public and in private.
In analyzing economic liberty in China, he talks of optimism 3rd and 4th party plenums(2013 to 2014) praise for both state sector (SOEs and market sector plus attention to the rule of law also data on relative GDP shares (4O% of state sector which he terms as better) growth rates employment growth since 2OO7, which raises concerns about slow down.
The links between reducing or eliminating continuity of CC and corruption which manifest throughout and the size of government is called tacit syllogism. Optimism in economic liberty has been accomplished in private sector and state sector.
Companies like alibaba and Huawei have grown remarkably in global market, however as long as state sector is prominent in Chinese economy the incentives for corruption will be irresistible.
Looking at civil liberty Freedom House Ratings have placed china as second tier of two dozen countries with worst civil liberty records among 105 countries included in 2015 revolution.
Chinas civil liberty is higher than that of North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria and some low level compared to Cuba, Ethiopia, Crimea (Post Russian occupation but less free than Iran, Egypt and Algeria.
Texture quality of civil liberty (civil rights and civil society) is sharply different between US and china US pluralism diversity are core values (eg second amendment versus general control, ro- choise, ro- life, think tank across spectrum etc.
Pluralism is incentivized by via tax exception hence 2.5million people are in religious organization which shows the quality of civil liberty.
China unity or narrow range of diversity seek and enforce multiple sources of suort for government policy e.g new think tanks with Chinese characteristics to establish a policy making constituency which entails development of new ideas which soused to be supportive thus likely result is hundreds of NGOs versus million in US.
Eras counterveiling effects of huge iPhone penetration and hyperactive internet use, 7OOmillion in china erticiate on internet which is a source of civil liberty.
Religious liberty on the other hand according to Article 36 of Chinese constitution has severe restriction.
China is termed as secular and relational society rather than transactional society in US but religious freedom for all citizens in china is constitutionally guaranteed although denied for 85 million CC members.
 localized, delocalized religious practices are okay but not centralized organized movement for example Falon Gong, Muslim Uigurs.
Religious liberty in china is tolerated yet restricted compared to Asia and Middle East              


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